
Net News

“Net News żar il-Palazz tal-Inkwiżitur u tkellem mal-membru tal-Compagnia, Matthias Ebejer li spjega li l-idea wara din l-attività hi sabiex jiġi apprezzat is-seklu 16, hekk kif tiffoka fuq il-perjodu tas-snin 1565 sal-1571. . .”

Heritage Malta

“This is a multinational event organised by Compagnia San Michele and hosted by Heritage Malta, as part of the Hands On History Project which is co-funded by the European Commission. . .”

Oh My Malta

“‘A Harbour for Nations: 1565-1571’ comes as part of The Hands On History Project, which is partially sponsored by the European Commission. Thus, the aptly named event will see participants gather from Italy, Spain, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, France, and the United States. . .”

Guide Me MAlta

“Maltese history comes to life! ‘A Harbour for Nations’ reenactment transforming Valletta and Birgu to 16th century Malta . . .”

Guide Me Malta

“This an international living history event will see some of Europe's best reenactors recreating life in the Grand Harbour between the Siege of Malta (1565) and the Battle of Lepanto (1571). . .“


“L-għan ta’ dan l-avveniment hu li jirriproduċi ambjent sinonimu mas-Seklu 16 fil-Port il-Kbir, waqt li l-Belt Valletta u l-Birgu se jservu bħala interpretazzjoni tal-gżira li qed tesperjenza bidla bejn l-Assedju l-Kbir fl-1565 u s-sitt snin ta’ wara fil-Battalja ta’ Lepanto. . .”