Jewish Merchants in Medieval Malta

Jewish Merchants in Medieval Malta
Originally Published May 15 2019

For most people, the Great Siege of Malta of 1565 was such an important event that it overshadows any event that occurred during the Order of St John’s tenure on the island. It comes without saying that the siege was a turning point for the Order, but one should also be aware that this was not the only time the Ottomans lead a devastating attack on the islands.

Citadella 1551

Citadella 1551
Originaly Published October 2, 2018

For most people, the Great Siege of Malta of 1565 was such an important event that it overshadows any event that occurred during the Order of St John’s tenure on the island. It comes without saying that the siege was a turning point for the Order, but one should also be aware that this was not the only time the Ottomans lead a devastating attack on the islands.